Enrolment generally begins for the winter semester in mid-September and for the summer semester in mid-March. You will be notified of the precise dates and place of enrolment with the information on registration, together with your letter of admission. Once you have enrolled you will become a student of Otto von Guericke University. You will then receive your student ID card (UniCard) and important information on your course.

The UniCard

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After enrolling, you will receive your student ID card, which you must validate, or activate, and with which you can travel free of charge on the trams and buses in Magdeburg. This is what your student ID card looks like.

More Information on the UniCard and on validating it.

If your UniCard is lost or damaged, please notify the Campus Service Center (CSC), Building 01, Universitätsplatz Campus immediately.

Semester Fee

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Cash payment

Cash Office: Building 06, Room 022 | Phone: +49 (0)391 675 2115
Opening hours:  Monday - Friday 10 am - 1 pm