Arriving by plane

The nearest international airports are in Leipzig, Berlin and Hanover. From there, and from every other German airport, you can easily travel to Magdeburg by train or bus.

Arriving by train

With the Deutsche Bahn (German Railways) trains, you can take either an express train (ICE) or a regional train to the main railway station in Magdeburg. More information on timetables and prices is available from

Arriving by bus

Another good and cheap way of getting to Magdeburg is by taking an intercity bus. These arrive in the central bus station (ZOB) which is located directly behind the main railway station. Information on timetables and prices is available from

Travelling to the university by tram from the railway station

From the central bus station and the main railway station you can take the tram to the university. The “Hauptbahnhof” tram stop is situated right in front of the main railway station building. From here you can normally take a number 8 tram (towards Neustädter See). However, at present, due to major construction works (planned to continue until the end of 2018) unfortunately this tram line is not in use. Instead you can use the “City Carré” stop, which is just 5 minutes’ walk from the main railway station. Here you can take a number 1 tram (towards Lerchenwuhne), which will take you directly to the “Universität” stop. If you arrive in the central bus station (ZOB), it is just a short walk through the main train station to reach the tram stop "City Carré/Hauptbahnhof" from which you can take a tram to the university.